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Upcoming Events
Upcoming events.
View the calendar to see our upcoming events, or scroll down to see the details!
Keep coming back for updates.
Dye-ing for Fashion
“Fast fashion” has become a mainstream topic, but how much do you actually know about what you wear? In this interactive workshop, learn about the toxic dyes in most apparel items and how to avoid them.
PLUS: Bring a 100% cotton shirt to practice dyeing your own clothing at home with vegetables!
Insects: Where Have They All Gone?
BUGS! EWWW! That's the reaction when most of us think of insects. But, these little powerhouses keep our planet running. Join us to learn how insects can even help fight invaders. Get to know and love your insects with some help from MSU Entomology Professor Ernest Delfosse. Fun for the whole family!
A Healthy Environment: Is It Our Right or Privilege?
Pure water, clean air, healthy environment - all rights we used to take for granted in our country. Unlike free speech or free assembly, these very basic rights are NOT enshrined in our constitution. One very energetic and determined woman is on a mission to change that - one state at a time. We are pleased to welcome, from her home in Pennsylvania, Maya VanRossum, author and founder of Green Amendments for the Generations, to talk about the movement in Michigan.
Go Green! Trivia Night
How much do you know about sustainability? Get your trivia team together and join us for some fun, and facts. Test your sustainability chops and take home some great prizes!
CANCELLED - Unveiling: Sustainability & Climate Action Plan (SCAP)
CANCELLED! — We will reschedule. Stay tuned for the new date!
The City of Rockford has been working on a Sustainability and Climate Action Plan the past six months to help meet their goal of carbon neutrality. Join us for the "unveiling" of the plan by the consultants. Learn how it affects all of us and how we can be part of the solution.
Home Energy Expo
Are you wanting your home and lawn to be cleaner and greener?
Come to our Home Energy Show & Tell with local vendors, giveaways, and information to help you to save money, save energy, and live more comfortably.
Follow along for more details about this great event!
- 12 local vendors including solar, heat pumps, insulation, practical financing options, and so much more!
- Small bites and beverages
- Giveaways throughout the evening, including an electric snow blower!